Dec. 31, 2019

004 - Facing the Fears that Hold you Back

004 - Facing the Fears that Hold you Back
Welcome to The Fully Lived Life podcast! A podcast for those who are longing to pursue the full life and want to break free from anything that holds them back. Listen in as two friends - a psychologist, Dr. Merry and a life coach, Gillian - talk about life, love and purpose - with wisdom, humour and transparency - through the lens of science, psychology, and life experiences. In this episode Merry encourages Gillian to share in a very vulnerable way the ways she shows up in the world as an Enneagram 8 - The Active Controller and how she has moved from the unhealthy side of this to the healthy side. Enneagram 8’s fear vulnerability so they mask it by trying to control everything. Gillian shares how her early years probably shaped her thought processes that led her to think it was all up to her. Gillian shares how she was living well beyond her capacity and energy levels - which for an Enneagram 8 is high and how coming to terms with this led to some life course corrections. Getting honest with herself and being vulnerable with her own stuff led Gillian to walk though Freedom Session and allowed her to change the narrative she was telling herself. Are you willing to get gut honest with yourself? Do your coping mechanisms work for you or against you? What ways do you try to control things or relationships in your life and how is this holding you back from living fully? Merry shares her insight on how anxiety can be a gift in our lives - its fascinating and thought provoking. How can you grow authentic relationships by regularly showing up for each other and what does that even look like? Merry and Gillian unpack this a little to give you hope and to help you grow in your most important relationships. Coaching Tips from Merry: Acknowledge your fears - you may need a friend, a coach or a therapist to walk with you through this. Identify what holds you back from facing your fears. Understand your core fears and address what is underlying those fears. Begin to address and prioritize the things that you need to work on. Be accountable to a friend or small group to help you grow. Links: Freedom Session: Dr. Merry’s book: Dr. Merry’s videos: Dr. Merry’s website: Dr. Lin & Associates: Gillian’s Website: