May 29, 2020

028 - Enneagram Types and Stress Part 2: Types 5 - 9

028 - Enneagram Types and Stress Part 2: Types 5 - 9

Welcome to The Fully Lived Life podcast! A podcast for those who are longing to pursue the full life and want to break free from anything that holds them back. Listen in as two friends - a psychologist, Dr. Merry and a life coach, Gillian - talk about life, love and purpose - with wisdom, humour and transparency -  through the lens of science, psychology, and life experiences.

Today we respond to requests from many listeners about the Enneagram. Given this time in history we felt that coming at each type and the stress response and then the release response to grow would be beneficial.

Dr. Merry and LIfe Coach Gillian are both certified iEQ9 coaches. We love using the IEQ9 (link below) as a coaching tool for individuals and teams. (Descriptions of motivations below are from the iEQ9 materials.)

Type 5 - The Quiet Specialist

Motivation: This style stems from the motivational need to understand. As an Ennea 5 you are likely to value making sense of the world around you and as a result, conserving resources, objectivity and knowledge is important to you. You strive for independence and appreciate privacy and expertise.

Stress: Type 5 goes to unhealthy Type 7

Growth: Type 5 moves toward healthy Type 8

Type 6 - The Loyal Skeptic

Motivation: This style stems from the motivational need to be safe. As an Ennea 6 you are likely to value security and belonging. As a result, loyalty and trust are important to you. You strive to be responsible and appreciate being prepared and alert at all times.

Stress: Type 5 goes to unhealthy Type 3

Growth: Type 5 moves toward healthy Type 9

Type 7 - The Enthusiastic Visionary

Motivation: This style stems from the motivational need to experience life fully and avoid pain. As an Ennea 7 you are likely to value a sense of freedom and as a result, optimism, being inspired and taking opportunities as they present themselves is important to you. You approach life as an adventure and appreciate being playful and spontaneous.

Stress: Type 7 goes to unhealthy Type 1

Growth: Type 7 moves toward healthy Type 5

Type 8 - The Active Controller

Motivation: This style stems from the motivational need to be strong and avoid vulnerability. As an Ennea 8 you value having a sense of control, and as a result, being direct and impactful is important to you. You love challenges and embody a need for justice, which enables you to protect others.

Stress: Type 8 goes to unhealthy Type 5

Growth: Type 8 moves toward healthy Type 2

Type 9 - The Adaptive Peacemaker

Motivation: This style stems from the motivational need to be settled and in harmony with the world. As an Ennea 9 you value being understanding and as a result, being accommodating and accepting is important to you. You strive for a peaceful existence and appreciate stability, preferring to avoid conflict.

Stress: Type 9 goes to unhealthy Type 6

Growth: Type 9 moves toward healthy Type 3


Dr. Merry’s book:

Dr. Merry’s videos:

Dr. Merry’s website:

Dr. Lin & Associates:

Gillian’s Website:

Enneagram Resources: